Month / April 2018

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  • Karate Teacher James Edwards Blackbelt teaching Kumite

    What is Kumite?

    The K in Karate is for Kombat (or Kumite) I am aware that it is a “C” before you judge me, just blame Mortal Kombat for influencing my never ending geek humour…

  • Karate Teacher James Edwards Blackbelt doing KATA

    What is Kata?

    What is a Kata? Blimey. That is a big question. Kata means a lot of different things to different people. For the aged it is formal exercise. Beginners see it as an…

  • Karate Teacher James Edwards Blackbelt doing Kihon

    What is Kihon?

    Most people have no idea what Kihon is. Frankly, I do not expect you to know unless you participate in martial arts. It is is however, an important element of Karate (and…